Hopefully this will bring a little more insight into the team, and reveal more about them than the fact that they look good in a pair of tights.
Name: Andrew Jeffrey
Program: Kinesiology
Year: 3
Year on the ski team: 1
Favourite movie: Dr. Zhivalgo
Why?: "There are few other movies who so successfully waste your time. I mean, the thing has an intermission its so long! Where else can you get that kind of dedication to using up hours of your life? I mean, other than meth, but that's another story..."
Favourite Food: Oatmeal - "it's powered me through all my races so far this year, its worked pretty well"
Favourite Athlete: Yudai Nakagawa
Average courseload, including labs: 7 - "You know, its not about how much smarter I am than everyone else, its that I'm smarter and I do it all while taking more classes, doing Varsity Skiing, playing Campusrec Ball Hockey and Ice Hockey, being a member of the Outers Club, having a social life, volunteering on campus, helping old ladies cross streets, bowl competitvely, and be Head of the campus Flat Earth Society. I'm pretty busy most weeks."
Something you probably don't know about me: My red blood cells carry on average 1/10th more oxygen than the average persons. Naturally.
Hey man, I loved Dr. Zhicalgo! If I see you on the street you better run!!!
ReplyDeleteAndrrew hae you ever MET the Yudai! I've met him personally! I...touched his hand while he was walking once...I played it off as a mistake. It was....magical, call me and we'll talk about it some time!