The rookies are getting profiled first, as they are the biggest mystery's to you (if you're not on the team), us (if you are on the team) and them (if you're a rookie on the UW Nordic Ski team, you fit this category). Anyways, enough of the long and convoluted introduction, and onto the good stuff!
Name: Nolan R.C. Beanlands
Program: Nanotechnology Engineering
Year: 1
Year on the ski team: 1
Favourite muscle: Left Quad
Why?: "Big, strong, used in almost everything I do. The left one because it's the underdog, not being on my dominate leg and all."
Favourite Possession: Skibag - "It's my lucky bag. It carries all my skis effectively, they've never broken in it, it's a bright, easily recognizable colour so I don't lose it, it can double as a pillow if you're in a tight situation. "
Reason for Wearing Such a Ridiculously Bright Hat: "You rarely get mistaken for other people on the ski trail. I end up in a large number of pictures, and you can always tell which one is me. It's very useful when you're in large crowds, as people can pick you out from far away, so long as they're higher up than you. Also, it prevents me from being mistaken as a deer during hunting season. Believe me, a valid concern."
Something you probably don't know about me: I know your results. No, seriously, I do. If you're on Zone4, Sportstats, raced your little brother around the block when you were 6, done a breathalyzer, I know it. Place, age category, lap splits, final time to several decimal places. Don't ask how or why, I just do.
Since reading this post I've bought my whole family the "Beans" hats! They're bullet wound count has gone down significantly (although we've all developed this annoying "blindness"...
ReplyDeleteThanks UW Nordic!!!