Illustrious, amazing, well educated and has nice teeth. There is only one man on the UW Ski team that fits all of those criteria...
Name: Yudai Z. Nakagawa
Program: Nanotechnology Engineering
Year: 2
Year on the ski team: 2
Favourite TV Show: A Double Shot of Love with the ikki Twins.
Favourite activity outside of skiing: Hanging out in the bouldering room “I like bouldering, I find it fun, but really, I just do it so I can hang out in the converted squash court. The revolving crowd of sweaty, smelly, often East-European immigrants who enjoy discussing the merits of Communism, as well as how outrageous the problem of cross-dimensional multi-axial bifocal tensity focused torsion they worked out this afternoon was. It’s a lot of fun.”
Bicep Size: Big. “Or if you want a better description, REALLY big”
Something you probably don’t know about me: I’m an acclaimed author. Ever heard of War and Peace? That’s me. I also followed it up with a few other bestsellers, one about the life cycle of bees, and another about my travel through time. They’re both big in Japan.
The Question of the Week is, who is going to be profiled next? Voice your opinions in the comments section, and make sure to A) grow some balls and leave your name, and B) keep your comments family rated, parents DO read this website, just ask Justin and Kelly.
Not to mention the half-naked french guys. They know all about cheese.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about cheese....
ReplyDeleteHow about profiling one of the senior team members of the team - before their upcoming stunning performances at OU's