Friday, October 26, 2012

UW Nordic News (and Ski team) back and at 'er- and you thought you didn't miss us...

Fall camp attendees at their finest 

          Now while it may have seemed that the UW Nordic Ski Team has been up to nothing at all (as we obviously don't do anything unless there is a media report from UWNN), the reality is quite contradictory.  In fact, we have been up to a whole two months worth of various activities.  Did the media report staff take an unknown and unexpected leave of absence you're wondering? Better yet, how will we find out crucial information about our most beloved ski team (like the specifics of what they ate at fall camp)? And, oh, on the topic of food, did they actually have a team THANKSGIVING DINNER?!? Yes, in fact, they did. And it was quite delicious (and, no, the media report staff did not take a leave of absence, but suffered a severe case of what (around here) is a quite common disease indentified as "midterms" ).

Just a bit of ultimate...
Maybe getting a little intense...
          The first item on the agenda for the UWNST for fall 2012 was the recruitment of rookies.  The men's team was quite successful this year, acquiring five new members, however the women's team  receives a failing grade on this end  as, sadly, there are no new women's team members.  New on the men's side are Colin Elliot from Banff, Alta, Ian Holstead and Ryan Fahey from Ottawa, Dylan Jones from Huntsville and 2nd year Colin Pilkey from Peterborough.  Quite the crew.  And yes, we are now "Ryan" squared,  "Tim" squared (this is not new) and "Colin" cubed.  If you're ever in doubt as to who is coming at you full speed ahead in snazzy Waterloo race suit, yelling either of the three names will give you a 3/5 chance of getting the name right.

                                                       Second on the agenda: Fall Training Camp.
The full women's team atop of Mt. Mania
The layout and schedule for fall training camp are essentially the same every year. Traditions need to be maintained.  We arrived Friday afternoon/night and promptly ate a delicious dinner of gnocchi with avocado, eggs, chicken, amongst many other delicious things.  But it may have been just a little bit too delicious- there was many a sore belly during that night's run and strength session, but it was a rock-solid workout nonetheless.  On Saturday we perfected many a technique and hit the Highlands trails for some ski bounding intervals.  And of course, what would be a fall training camp without the one-and-only-five-kilometre-uphill race of your life? A pretty soft camp.  There were three distinct categories: double poling, skating and one-pole skating.  The majority of athletes participated in the skating category, a few of the guys toughed out the double pole, and Katie had no choice but to use one, lonely pole.  Full results of Mountain Mania to follow.  After some fun on the mountain we hit yet another set of trails, a part of the Bruce trail and did some classic cave climbing.

          The next two items on the list are of a more competitive nature: our team 3000m. time  trial and the Mono Nordic trail race. Full results for each event to follow.

Turkey time.
          Amongst many pancake breakfasts , the team decided to step it up a notch.  With Thanksgiving fast approaching we decided it was about time to cook up a bird of our own- and so Katie and Alison hosted the first annual ski team Thanksgiving potluck dinner.  It was nothing short of epic, complete with sweet-potato/squash mash, stuffing, cabbage salad and...Timbits for dessert? You betcha.

          The fall has been full of lots and lots and lots (and lots) of training- just as fall's should be in the life of a Nordic skier.  This upcoming weekend we have some Bechtel trail clearing to do and an epic 3.5 hour  rollerski, complete with a strength-on-skis sesh and 30 min. tempo, should be a blast no doubt.

This is University of Waterloo Nordic News (in case you didn't get the acronym) signing out.  Have yourselves a fabulous Halloween weekend!

P.S. What's with all this Frozen Thunder business clogging up all of our newsfeeds? Sheesh.....(yeah ok, so I'm just very jealous *sigh* would really like some of that white stuff of my own...) 

Yours truly, the Highlands pigs.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

UWNST goes International- Funf World Championships 2012

Race officials busy doing official kind of things
             While the rest of the Canadian cross-country ski community, along with the national team, was away water-skiing at Nationals, the UW Nordic ski team decided to step things up a notch and take things to the international stage. The day for the FIS Funf World Championships was set, and there were titles to defend.  The start list included athletes such as the prestigious and two-time world champ Tim Rhodes, funf-expertise Coach Colin Rhodes, last years overall world 2nd place champ Justin Faulkner, American funf-er Henry Reich, up-and-coming Ryan McNamara and the dynamic funf duo Katie Madden and Alison Stephenson.  International funf delegate Derek Hartman was brought in to be Official Timer and we were fortunate enough to Martha Sutton as Chief of Competition.
           For those of you who are not familiar with the funf (in which there is really no excuses not to be) it is a 5-sport event consisting of swimming-running-classic skiing-biking-skate skiing, probably in that order.  Race start was scheduled for 11:15 am. in the PAC pool.  Why such a late start you may ask? It is not important, just that the funf is a much higher level of event than most of you may be used, and we will put up with none of this early start business.
Smiling for the camera gets you technique points in a funf
        Athletes Alison, Colin and Tim took to the pool to do approximately 20 laps, an exact number as to how many is done is something maybe only known by the athletes as best.  World Champ Tim was out of the pool the quickest followed by brother and main competition Colin.  Ryan was third out of the pool and Alison was having so much fun that she decided to put in a few extra laps just for good measure. The course for the second stage-the run- was a follows : 'somehow get through campus to Waterloo park, make it to  King and Union, start heading back when you get to Westmount' as officially quoted from Chief timer, Derek Hartman.  Of course there were officials monitoring any part of the course that have seemed uncertain.  Tim, leading the run was joined by Henry, who decided to focus only on his run component after all.  Colin followed shortly thereafter, followed by Katie who was quickly passed by Ryan while making some aesthetic changes in the washrooms in MC.

         After the run component athlete Ryan decided he would give the others a fair chance, and so decided that going home would be the best option.  The only pair in the race also decided that this would conclude their 2012 funf career, for reasons that had nothing to do with lack of motivation.   


Colin had some speedy laps classic skiing around ring road and was able to sneak by Tim, although the transition to the bike once again gave Tim the lead and this order that was maintained throughout the rest of the race.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have our Overall Funf World Champion: Tim Rhodes, winner of the third consecutive funf here at UW.
          This concluded the funf season and all athletes will be taking some much needed time off of their super-funf training in preparation for next year's funf training-which starts exactly one year after the date of this year's funf, provided the funf is scheduled on the same day.
Funf champ 2012 wearing some ultra-reflective gear. Even Chrissy came out to support the cause...

In a press release with UWNN all we could get out of Coach Coling was something about '#@!%-ing cramps'...
Quote of the Race: "Well, I stopped in MC to re-do my hair..." ~Katie

That is UWNN live coverage of the funf, over and out.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

OUA 2012

              Believe it or not, the time for the OUA Nordic Ski Championships came around again.  This year they were held the weekend of February 24-26, and once again at Laurentian University.  This meant that it was scheduled during reading week, and that most people were at home enjoying some time  off with their families.  So when the time came to board the bus at the PAC on the Friday morning, just when we thought we had reached at ultimate low of team members on the bus, we scored even lower: two people.  Coach Derek and athlete Tim Hughes were the only to representing the team leaving Waterloo.  But not to worry, the majority of athletes were to meet in Sudbury via their own ways of transportation, with Ryan, Alison and Glenn hitching a ride with Carlton , Martha coming from Timmins with her parents and Katie getting picked up by the bus at home in Parry Sound.  The ride up was through a snow/slush storm, so what a relief it was to arrive in Sudbury to skiable, trails, cold weather and lots of snow. 
              Every year, the format for the OUA race weekend changes.  This year the format was middle distance classic  and relay race on Saturday and long distance skate on Sunday.  The classic race was  5km and 10km for the Women and Men respectively, and the skate 10km and 15km.  The relay was not a team sprint like last year, but a 3 by 3km. relay race.

              We awoke to a beautiful, sunny day Saturday to start off the weekend and the team put forth their best efforts for the morning's classic race. Results as follows:

    1st 5km. Split Time
    2nd 5km. Split Time
    Total Time for 10km.  
    Time off of First Place
    Glenn Hartman
    + 4:19.4
    Tim Hughes
    Ryan McNamara
    Derek Hartman
    + 7:23.2

    Total time for 5km.
    Time off of First Place
    Alison Stephenson
    Katie Madden
    Martha Sutton

              Now, after the classic race was done the focus was put into good quality recovery, as the relays were to follow that same afternoon.  This involved a proper race cool down as soon as possible after the race and some recovery food as soon as possible after that.   Also it must be noted that, despite being retired, Coach Derek decided to enter the classic race to be able to give the Men's team a full team.  The Women's relay was on first, the Warriors stepped to the line with a team of Alison Stephenson, Martha Sutton and Katie  Madden.

    Leg #
    Total Time
    Time off of First Place
    Alison Stephenson

    Martha Sutton

    Katie Madden

    Leg #
    Total Time
    Time off of First Place
    Tim Hughes

    Ryan McNamara

    Glenn Hartman

              The end of the relays wrapped up the first day of OUA racing.  The winners for both the Men and Women's individual races, as well as both relays were Lakehead team members and teams, giving them a lead in the overall team points.  Despite being an OUA category race, many of the top racers were athletes that are currently full time or are racing at the NorAM level, making both the Men's and Women's fields pretty deep.  After an especially exhausting day of racing, the Warriors went back to the hotel for some napping, feeding, race talking, and yet more sleep.  We arose yet again to a beautiful, crisp sunny day for the second day of OUA's.  Skate results are as follows:

    1st 5km. Split Time
    2nd 5km. Split Time
    3rd 5km. Split Time
    Total Time for 15km.
    Time off of first Place
    Glenn Hartman
    Tim Hughes
    Ryan McNamara
    + 9:14.5

    1st 5km. Split Time
    2nd 5km. Split Time
     Total Time for 10km
    Time off of First Place
    Alison Stephenson
    Katie Madden
    Martha Sutton

              Alas, the Waterloo Warriors had posted some great results yet again.  Considering the depth of both field's each athletes rankings were commendable, overall rankings can be seen at
    The next and last race on the agenda will be the Ontario Cup #4, hosted by Highlands Nordic in Duntroon, Ont. Congratulations Warriors!

Friday, February 24, 2012

OUA Preview - and we all made it!

This weekend (January 25-26, 2012) Ontario university skiers are converging from around the province in Sudbury at Laurentien University for the OUA Nordic Championships. Most of the Waterloo team has spent the last week skiing on snow (a luxury in Waterloo) and resting and refuelling in the comforts of their parent's homes. This hopefully has prepared the Waterloo athletes well for successful races this weekend.

Friday morning the snow started falling across Ontario and UW Nordic skiers crawled out bed in Ottawa, Parry Sound, Timmins, Huntsville, and Waterloo. I grew up in Ottawa and spent the past week there visiting with my family and catching up on school work. I was lucky to be able to travel with the Carleton team to OUAs (as I have for the past 2 years). The bus was scheduled to be loaded at 6:00 am and leave at 6:20am. OK, that's not too early. I set an alarm for 5:40am (or so I thought so). I packed my bags the night before and left them at the back door ready to be loaded into the car first thing the next morning. Fast forward to this morning... My Dad got up and left the hallway light on so I knew it was about time to get up but I also knew he was planning on getting up before me. I am kinda awake but don't fell like getting out of bed and will just wait for my alarm to go off before I get up. I roll over to check my clock. 5:57am. Not the time I expected! I flew out of bed and got dressed in the clothes I left out and ran downstairs. The 6 o'clock news was starting on the radio. I rushed my Dad out the door to load the car and leave. 6:07, pulling out of the driveway. 6:10, arriving at Carleton. Well that was I close call I don't plan on repeating.

I made it and that's all that counts. Looking forward to the weekend races. Saturday will be two races: a short distance classic race in the morning and a skate team relay in the afternoon. Sunday will be a mass start distance skate race.

Let the races begin.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Warriors head East: Eastern Canadian Championships 2012

Alison during the 10km. skate
          After yet another two weeks of dry-land training the UW Nordic Ski Team decided to head on over to the east for the Eastern Canadian Championships 2012.  We left the PAC with the sparsest team to date-  Coach Colin and Coach Derek, and athletes Tim, Ryan and Katie.  Two more joined the team in Ottawa though, Glenn, who's there on co-op and Alison who had arrived the day prior.  The even took place over three days, but us Waterloo gang opted out for the first day of sprints to minimize missing school and because, well, let's just say it was a big field.
          The team arrived just in time to catch the end of semi-final and final sprint races, the finals for each being between some of the country's fastest skiers- which if not awesome to spectate got us in the mood for a race, and at the least got rid of the post-bus blues. Only one Waterloo athlete competed in the sprints:

Time for  1.4km Free
Glenn Hartman
Waxing in no joke to Coach Colin
          The race course for the the rest of the weekend was to be the same 5km loop that was used for the distance races in previous years, and laps of that would be done for each of the various distances.  The terrain itself was somewhat of a challenge though.  Off the start was a short loop of gradual ups and downs, which worked as a good section for the pack to thin out off the start, as a place to establish your pace and to work out those start line jitters.  Following was a streak through the stadium,  a gradual climb up power line, and a grueling climb up Montee McCarthy- arguably the hardest part of the course.  It was down Dirk's dive after this, up Chute Charon, down and back into the stadium for the final turn to the finish.  Saturday's freestyle race was 10km for the women and 15km for the men, so two and three laps of said course respectively.
The UW teams results are as follows:


1st 5km lap time
2nd 5km lap time
Total time for 10km
Katie Madden
Alison Stephenson


1st 5km lap time
2nd 5km lap time
3rd 5km lap time
Total time for 15km (skate)
Glenn Hartman
Tim Hughes
Ryan McNamara

          So the team finished up strong (always) and made their way back to the hotel.  It was still quite early in the day and so the opportunity was had to enjoy the beautiful winter weather and the start of Winterlude, delve into some much need studying or-the popular choice- nap time.   All was well with the usual UW hotel happenings, and lots of food, water  and sleep were to be had in preparation for the next day's long distance races.
          Sunday's races were 15 and 30km classic for the women and men, respectively.  The course remained the same as the day before which meant 3 laps for the women and an astonishing 6 for the men.  Unfortunately though we were one athlete short as Glenn was not well enough to race that day. Another look at UW's impressive results...


1st  5km lap time
2nd 5km lap time
3rd 5km lap time
Total time for 15km (classic)
Alison Stephenson
Katie Madden


1st 5km lap time
2nd 5km lap time
3rd 5km lap time
4th 5km lap time
5th 5km lap time
6th 5km lap time
Total time for 30km
Ryan McNamara
Tim Hughes

Ryan, although I think this is during the skate race...

          Everybody managed to keep it together enough maintain a consistent and strong race.  The most impressive result coming from the second day of racing though was Ryan's time of 1:49:46, in comparison to last year's time of 2:12:45, a whopping  23 min faster on the exact same course. Wow!

The bus was boarded quickly as we still had a 7ish hour drive ahead of us, making for one long day.  For myself, and I think I speak for many others, the return back to reality/school was dreaded.  It's that time of year when those awful things called midterms start happening to you  and so one must often face the choice of sleep/recovery vs. studying vs. training.  The team does have this coming weekend off from racing though, which will be a welcome break to catch up on this whole school thing, and possibly get some easier training in.  The next voyage for the Warriors will be to Sudbury, Feb. 24-26 for the OUA Nordic Skiing Championships.  In farewell, I unfortunately will not be saying 'happy skiing', or 'happy trails' because I have wholeheartedly given up on skiing in Waterloo. If you are fortunate to have snow wherever you are do enjoy it, but please, try not to make the rest of us too envious. 

Alison during the 15km classic